Wild: Savannah Heirs Read online

Page 17

  The only reason I survived any extended time with him was because I played the part he wanted me to. I was polite. I was a perfectly polished Savannah woman. I smiled when he joked, I nodded when he spoke, and I didn’t say anything I wasn’t supposed to. I even wore the dresses I knew he’d approve of. Tonight was a pale yellow one that was a bit too tight in the bust, but still playful enough and long enough at the hem to fit in with the Southern charm.

  Aaron was pleased with my behavior, I could tell. He made sure to compliment me, talk about work to further prove our connected lives, and then proceeded to insist that he feed me our shared dessert from his fucking spoon. The whole time, I was thinking, my father would really like him. They said misery loved company. So did evil men.

  Luckily, our farce of a relationship moved at a snail’s pace thanks to Granddaddy wanting to keep up appearances until the divorce was finalized, as well as our hectic work schedules at the hospital, and Mrs. Salvador’s around-the-clock care. Every time I went to the Salvador’s apartment, Luis kept his distance, making sure to only speak to me when absolutely necessary. It hurt way more than I wanted to admit. I cried the tears. Drew the line in the sand at my heart. Reminded myself that running was the only way.

  “Your grandfather and I are meeting up tomorrow,” Aaron said offhandedly as we exited the fancy restaurant on River Street. There were tons of people out, but I felt completely alone.

  “Why?” I asked warily, forcing myself not to cringe when he reached down and held my hand.

  Aaron pulled me in tighter against him. His fingers felt wrong laced between mine. They didn’t fit. They didn’t comfort. They felt like the straps to a muzzle—the lead to a leash.

  My mind daydreamed in order to take me away from him. My mind went right back to the way Luis had held me up and licked me right into oblivion. Just the thought of his voice filled with gravelly desire got me blushing.

  “Are you listening?”

  Aaron’s voice jolted me out of my memories, and I looked over at him with a smile. “Sorry. I’m tired.”

  He studied me for a moment before reaching into his pocket and pulling out his phone. “How was your night at the Salvadors?” he asked.

  “About as I expected,” I said, somehow managing to sound normal. Luis hadn’t been home, just like most nights I was there. The cold house felt even colder without his heated presence.

  “Good. I’m glad nothing too stimulating happened.” He passed his phone over to me, and I looked down at the dark screen with a frown. “Zoom in.”

  Tapping the screen, I realized that it wasn’t just a blank screen. It was just a very dark picture. Pinching my fingers together, I widened them, zooming in until I was able to see a window with a very visible silhouette behind it.

  The blood drained from my face as I turned the brightness all the way up, and the screen glared back at me like a taunting spotlight right there in the middle of the sidewalk as my feet slammed to a stop.

  “What is this?” I whispered, my voice quivering.

  Aaron leaned over me, pointing to the screen. “Was it that forgettable?” he asked with a mean chuckle. “Here, let me show you the others. Maybe they’ll jog your memory.”

  Swiping across the screen, he showed me photo after photo, some grainier and darker than others, some closer or further away. All of them were taken outside Luis’s bedroom window, and you could see my legs perched over his shoulders and my face in obvious throes of ecstasy.

  My hands shook so badly I dropped the phone, but Aaron caught it before it could fall onto the concrete.

  I knew Aaron was sick and twisted. This wasn’t the first time he’d taken photos of me. Hell, the bastard had even snuck into my bedroom and stolen my panties. But this...this was crossing a whole new line. I finally saw how dangerous this game was.

  He turned his phone off with a click, shoving it back into his pocket. I was trembling all over, despite the warm summer breeze, and when he leaned down to look me in the eye, all I could see was the reflection of my own dread in his dark gaze. “I’ve been holding on to these photos for a few weeks. Luckily for you, you seemed to come to your senses, because it hasn’t happened again. And it won’t happen again,” he said, clear in his threat. “I came here for you, and we’ll be married very, very soon.”

  I shook my head, looking around for someone, anyone, who could get me out of this. “My family—”

  “Yes, your family,” he interrupted. “Your family who already signed you and your inheritance over to me. I’m meeting with your grandfather again today, like I was saying, to go over some last minute details. There’s going to be a short engagement after my divorce finalizes. But our honeymoon will be long.”

  You never know what it will sound like when your world shatters around you. For me, it sounded like a nice summer night in Savannah. People talking and laughing, cars honking, water lapping, feet walking, music playing. The sound was my hell.

  “Why are you doing this?”

  He gave a small shrug. “Like I said, I chose you.”

  He reached down and grasped my hand again, but this time, he didn’t thread our fingers together. Instead, he held my entire palm in his, crushing it painfully. I winced as he began tugging me forward again.

  “Let me be perfectly clear. As my future wife, you won’t be allowed to act like a bratty whore. I’ll always be watching you, just remember that. I know you’ve been behaving lately, so I can overlook this transgression, but this is the last time. You’ll behave yourself, and you’ll be an exemplary nurse and an attentive lover to me. If you embarrass me in any way, I will ruin you, your family, and make sure Mrs. Salvador succumbs to her addiction. No one would think anything of it if she suddenly overdosed on her prescriptions. In fact, they all expect it.”

  Horror slammed into me, and I tried to rip my hand away from him, but he held so tight that I nearly yanked my fingers out of my socket. Would he really go so far as to hurt Luis’s mom and make it look like suicide or an overdose? One look in his black, brutal eyes told me that he actually would.

  “You’re fucking sick.”

  In one swift move, he spun me around and gripped my chin. To anyone else, it might’ve looked like a lover’s embrace. It was dark, the street was busy, but even with all the eyes around, no one was paying any attention at all.

  “No embarrassing me, remember?” he asked, his fingers digging into my jaw while his thumb grabbed my chin hard enough that I couldn’t close my mouth. “You will learn your place, Royal. Now nod like a good girl.”

  Numbly, I nodded.

  My collapsing world piled up around me, burying me in its rubble. If I just stood here and did nothing...if I let him, he was going to win. Running away wasn’t going to be enough.

  He let me go, but I barely felt it. My jaw ached even after his release.

  The terror inside of me was slowly replaced. Luis’s voice rang through my mind as I stared up at the evil man trying to trap me. I had lost my wild. I’d let everyone else’s expectations and their control of me blur the lines of my soul until I wasn’t me anymore.

  Godfrey and the other Heirs might run this town, but I was a fucking Taylor. My father’s scrappy blood ran through my veins. And if there was one thing Taylors knew how to do, it was play the fucking game and win.

  I needed to stop trying to walk away from the board. I needed to play. To be the doting nurse and arm candy Aaron wanted me to be, and then end the motherfucker.

  Him threatening me was one thing. But if he thought I was going to let him destroy Luis’s family, then he had another thing coming.

  I took a deep breath, grounding myself. I saw it so clearly now, what I needed to do—who I needed to be. I wasn’t going to be the mouse anymore. I’d play the game, because I was a Taylor, and that’s what we did. We played our cards until we cleared the table. This whole time, I’d let myself think that Aaron was the dealer running the show. But really, he was just my opponent, and I needed to start treating him l
ike one. Begging, avoiding, being repulsed or scared, those things weren’t going to help me.

  I smoothed my expression, and I watched his brow kick up at my sudden change. “You know what? You’re right,” I said, letting out a sigh. “Being married to you will help my reputation. And I’ll finally get Granddaddy to stop holding my trust fund over my head,” I went on. “And Luis...he was just a way to pass the time. Poor kid has had a crush on me for years. He doesn’t mean anything to me. I was just bored. Rebelling,” I finished, the words tasting bitter on my tongue.

  I saw the satisfaction soak into his expression. “I’ll keep you occupied from now on.”

  I wanted to shudder. Instead, I smiled. I was a damn good actress. I’d been playing parts for my family my whole life.

  He hummed in satisfaction. “You look so pretty when you listen to me,” he replied before holding his arm out in a gentlemanly manner that completely contradicted his earlier anger. With a steadying breath, I perched my hand on his bicep and turned my head to look at the people walking by.

  Play the part, Royal. Keep your cards close to your chest.

  We headed towards his ostentatious car when his phone started ringing. “Dr. Carmichael,” he answered while looking over at me.

  “Yes, I understand,” he said. “I’ll be there within the hour.”

  When he hung up his phone, I fixed my face into a concerned expression, making sure to look as invested in his conversation as he wanted me to be, rather than relieved like I was actually feeling. “Is everything all right?” I asked.

  Aaron let out a slow sigh before responding. “Mrs. Salvador got ahold of some drugs. We’re needed at the hospital,” he said while fishing in his pocket for his car keys.

  My heart sank.

  “How?” I sputtered, feeling a rising panic drown me.

  “I don’t know. Maybe while you were fucking her son, she got ahold of it,” he snapped. “Did you check her room?”

  All the blood drained from my face. “Of course I did.”

  “Let’s go. Seems home care isn’t going to cut it.”

  My head was swimming with worry for Mrs. Salvador and Luis. Everything was hitting me at once. As my worries plagued me, Aaron yanked my arm back in the middle of the sidewalk and then leaned over and pressed his lips to mine with such force that I was certain I would bruise. I didn’t want to part my lips for him, but his tongue was like a snake, invading my mouth with biting venom.

  When he pulled away, my pale pink lipstick was smeared on his face. I vowed never to wear that shade again.

  “I want you to think of that when we see the Salvador kid,” he replied in an ominous tone before opening his car door and letting me inside.

  As soon as he closed the door after me, I slumped against the leather seat and gasped for air. I could feel the panic welling up inside of me, making my lungs feel like they were about to burst. I had to go make sure Mrs. Salvador was alright. After that...I had to figure out a way to beat Aaron Carmichael in this twisted game.

  As much as I’d tried to do this all on my own, I knew I needed to call in reinforcements. And there was one person who was more than capable of handling the job. It was time to talk to my brother.

  Chapter Eighteen


  Luis’s face paled when he saw me walk into the hospital room with Aaron. I didn’t want to add to his distress, but I had to come check on her. Not just as her nurse, but because I cared.

  She looked scarily thin, sweaty, and her arms were stuck with tubes feeding liquid into her weak body. Aaron was standing over her, checking her charts with an arrogant glint in his eye, like he not only wasn’t surprised by this, but he expected it.

  “Where did you get your drugs, Mrs. Salvador?” he asked in a bored voice, the tone lacking all empathy.

  “I have my ways,” she said in a faraway voice that was both cryptic and ominous.

  “Well, you lasted a full month at home, which was far more than I expected if I’m being honest. I guess it’s time for you to go to the rehabilitation center at the hospital. I’ll check in with Detective Mervicker to let him know the change in treatment,” he said, glancing down at her ankle bracelet.

  She waved him off before closing her eyes, quickly slipping into a deep, drug-induced sleep.

  At her bedside, Luis stood up from the chair and frowned. “That wasn’t the deal. I’ll do better about sweeping the house and vetting who comes in. She was doing great at home. She hates those treatment centers,” he admitted, his tone strained.

  I watched him, noting the black circles under his eyes and the quiver in his lip. I hated this life for him, hated that he had to navigate her addiction.

  “Obviously, in-home treatment isn’t cutting it. She needs to be away from triggering environments that encourage using. I think a treatment center is better than prison, yes? Judge Palmisano’s support will only go so far.”

  As much as I knew Luis didn’t want to force her into rehab, I wanted Aaron away from the Salvadors. My plan to trick Aaron with my obedience came crashing down around my ears. Luis and his mom were more important.

  I cleared my throat awkwardly. “I think the treatment center would be very good for her.” Luis sliced his gaze to me, and I saw the betrayal and hurt there, but I kept my voice steady as I spoke. “Dr. Jones heads the addiction department. I think he’d be very successful at taking over her case, don’t you agree Dr. Carmichael?”

  It was a power play, a risk I shouldn’t be taking if I wanted Aaron to believe that I was finally settling into the role of doting fiance. But it was worth it, because I wanted to get the Salvadors out of his clutches.

  I wasn’t sure when it happened, but somewhere between friendship and lust, I fell in love with Luis Salvador, and that realization cut me bone deep. I couldn’t let Aaron hurt him or his mother—I refused to let them become another casualty in Aaron’s vile fixation on me.

  I turned to look at Luis, noting the lack of sleep under his eyes and the soft way he checked his mother’s vitals. I saw the way his fists clenched. I took in his proud shoulders, determined to carry her through whatever may come. I saw his heart.

  And I loved every part.

  I refused to let Aaron drag the man I loved down with me. So even if I wanted to get away, I couldn’t. It was time I owned up to what happened in Ecuador. The consequences would be worth it if it meant Luis was okay.

  Aaron’s face twisted into irritation, and I knew I was going to pay for this overstep later. I could feel Luis’s inquisitive stare on my face, but I didn’t dare look at him again. I was too busy having a silent standoff with Aaron.

  “I think I’m more than capable of handling Mrs. Salvador’s care,” he seethed.

  “I think maybe she needs someone who specializes in addiction recovery,” I said back as gently as I could.

  Aaron’s irritation morphed into anger.

  Against my better judgment, my eyes flickered back to Luis. Surprisingly, he was no longer looking at me with hurt, but with surprise. “I trust Nurse Taylor’s opinion,” Luis said, giving Aaron a forced smile.

  Aaron stood there for another moment, shooting daggers at me with his cold gaze. I knew the consequences of what I was doing wouldn’t be good.

  “I see. I want to do what’s best for the patient of course,” Aaron said smoothly. “I’ll continue to oversee things with Dr. Jones. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have some phone calls to make.”

  I knew exactly what phone calls he planned on making. Aaron gave me one last look before exiting the hospital room. I wished that his absence would make the pressure on my chest disappear, but it didn’t.

  “You’re back?” Luis asked, and I knew what he meant, but I wasn’t sure if I was.

  Was the real me back? I hoped so. I wanted it to be true.

  “Luis, I need you to listen carefully to me. Call Bonham right now and have Aaron fired from the hospital. It’s urgent.”

  I walked over to the hospital room door and
looked out the small square window at the top to make sure Aaron was gone. I ran my hand through my hair as I nervously looked both ways down the hall.

  “Done. But why?” he asked.

  I shook my head. “You also need to have security sent up here. She doesn’t take a single dosage without your permission, okay? You have to double check everything. Research it on your phone, grab another nurse to find out what it is...anything. Just be absolutely sure about what they’re putting in her body.”

  “Royal, what’s going on?” Luis asked. “You’re freaking me out.”

  Tears started to fill my eyes. This was such a clusterfuck. I wouldn’t be here to help him. I wouldn’t be here to finally take a chance on our shaky relationship. All that wasted time. I spun around to face him, tears spilling down my cheeks as I realized I had one night—maybe even less—before he learned about the real me. The murderer.

  Without giving myself time to talk myself out of it, I walked over to him and slammed my lips to his.

  It took him totally off guard, but after just a second, he raised his hands to the back of my head and started kissing me back. I pressed my body against his, wanting to comfort myself in the warmth of his embrace. I seared him with my kiss, wanting to memorize every detail about it to keep me company during the long nights I’d certainly spend in prison.

  I wasn’t naive. I knew my life was over. Aaron had already warned me one too many times about acting out of line. If he couldn’t get me to come to heel, he would just get rid of me.

  Luis eagerly met me stroke for stroke, cupping my cheeks with his hand as he kissed me fervently. “Mi amor, what’s going on?” he pleaded between kisses, but I ignored him.

  I needed this moment. I needed him to feel my true feelings just one more time.

  It was a sloppy kiss stained with tears. I shook in his hold, my legs weak and my feet wobbly on my heels. I sunk my teeth into his bottom lip, stole the parts of him I had no right to.

  We stayed like that, in the hospital room that smelled like ammonia and piss, with his mother sleeping behind us for what felt like a long second of eternity. But it wasn’t enough. It would never be enough.