Wild: Savannah Heirs Page 3
“I’d love a drink. Good thing I’m legally able to have one. Unlike you.”
Luis gave me an amused sidelong look. “I own the club, Majesty. I could drink the whole damn bar, and no one would say shit.”
I shook my head and looked out the window. “It must be nice to be one of the notorious Savannah Heirs,” I chided. “Four rich kids with cocks, and the entire city kisses your feet for it. But because I have a vagina, that title doesn’t extend to me.”
Luis whistled under his breath. “Someone sounds jealous.”
I bristled a little. “I am not jealous. I just find it completely ridiculous. I came from the same parents as Godfrey, and yet, I’m nothing.”
Luis kept one hand on his steering wheel but lifted his other to brush back a lock of my blonde hair, tucking it behind my ear. “You’re not nothing, Mamacita,” he said, his Spanish accent sending goosebumps down my arms.
My eyes were locked on his, but I wrenched them away, forcing myself to look out the window again. He was doing that a lot lately—finding excuses to touch me. I could think of at least a dozen times this past week where he’d brushed up against me, tapped me on the shoulder, or had his knuckles graze over my hand. His touch always sparked some forbidden attraction inside of me, and I was reminded of all the times he’d helped me out over the years.
Sometimes when Godfrey had been a dick to me, Luis would start razzing him to get him to stop. Or whenever I’d come home after a day of shopping, Luis had always come out to help me carry in my bags. He’d even agreed to walk me to my hotel room during one family vacation when he’d tagged along after I’d had too much to drink and didn’t want my parents to know. He’d pretended to have “food poisoning” with me so I didn’t get caught.
It was crazy how many memories flooded to my mind after just one small touch from him.
And that thought suddenly made me numbingly sad for the painful memories I had of my father in comparison. My own flesh and blood, the person who should have safeguarded me, had only brought me fear. I had no fond memories of my father. And now he was dead.
Grief was strange. I felt guilty for not being sad enough that he was dead. And when my emotions surged, then I felt guilty for being sadder than he deserved. It hit me in waves, the water rising and lowering. I could stare at my father’s final resting place in the ground, joke about my mother fucking the preacher, all without missing a beat or feeling a thing, but sitting in a car with Luis Salvador had my eyes turning misty.
But more than guilt, I felt anger at the fact that I never got to have a loving father. I hated how he’d made me hate him and grieve him, despite it all. Grief was my father’s last bit of abuse on me, and it was a beating I knew I’d have to take for the rest of my life.
“Where’d your mind go, Majesty?” Luis asked quietly as I continued to stare out the window. He didn’t sound playful or as sure of himself anymore.
“I don’t know,” I whispered, hating the weakness in my voice as well as the man that caused it.
I could feel unworthy tears well up in my brown eyes and trail down my cheeks like the traitorous bastards they were. But maybe I wasn’t just crying for the guilt and anger over my dead father. Maybe my shackles were just getting too tight, and I was realizing that the things that happened in Ecuador would never go away.
I needed to forget. Luis was right—I needed that drink.
Rolling my shoulders back, I swiped my cheeks and expelled the massive problems lodged in my chest, exhaling them into the world and pretending like I didn’t have to breathe them back in again. “Let’s get that drink, yeah?”
Luis tossed me a devastating grin. “Your wish is my command.”
Chapter Two
Royal Taylor was definitely drunk. She’d let her dirty blonde hair down from its tight bun, and she was spinning around on the dance floor in her funeral dress. With one hand in the air and a sloshing drink in the other, she was beautiful. Wild. Spinning with more force than a fucking planet. Everyone wanted to get closer to her, me included.
But I stayed by our table, watching her, swirling the Jack and Coke in my glass. Royal was a flirt, but she was also a runner. The last thing I wanted to do was spook her. Not when she’d finally come back home, and I’d gotten her to go out with me again. Maybe I was a bastard for taking advantage of the fact that I knew she’d want to run away from the funeral, but I was an Heir; we were opportunists.
“Come dance with me!” Royal slurred, beckoning me over and kicking off her heels in the process. Another dancer knocked them to the side.
I smirked at her and took another drink. I wanted nothing more than to run my hands along her hips and yank her body against mine. It’s all I’ve ever wanted.
I’ve been in love with Royal Taylor for years, but I didn’t want to pursue her like this. I took advantage of getting her to come with me tonight, but I wasn’t going to take advantage of her in any other way. I’d seen the way her eyes went glassy in my car. She might put on a strong face for the rest of the world, but today rocked her. She was about five cups deep, her glassy eyes now shining with her buzz.
So instead of joining her on the dance floor like I wanted, I stayed in my spot in this chair. My dick was hard watching her little body move expertly with the beat, her tits bouncing, personally teasing me.
When another fucking dude grabbed her waist and tried to tug her close, my security guys were on him in a second, hauling him away. I wasn’t going to take advantage of her, and no one else was going to, either. No one was allowed to touch Royal but me.
Pretty soon, there would be no men left in the bar. Royal was oblivious, despite the chicks around her that kept eyeballing the security team every time another guy was escorted off the dance floor.
When another song came on, she tossed back her head, blonde hair falling in waves down her back. I watched her lips move to the sultry words belting over the speakers. Dios mío, she looked sexy. Another guy came up to grab her, of course, but another nod from me had him yanked away. I shrugged when a chick caught my eye, realizing what I’d done. I was shameless about the bubble I’d created around my girl. I wanted her to have fun, to blow off all the pent-up steam inside of her without her having to worry about drunken consequences.
She’d been avoiding me for two weeks, so I’d tried to give her the space she needed. When Royal first got back from Ecuador, she was reckless. She was bored. It was like she had to fill up every second of her day with distractions, and at first, I’d been more than happy to let her use me to fill up the time. But I wanted to know what was going on in her head.
I knew that something happened back at the hospital in Ecuador, though I never asked her about it. I also wasn’t too proud to let her use me as a distraction. But then, it all stopped the day Gerald Taylor died.
No more playful banter, no more flirting. Royal avoided me even though I saw her eyes track me no matter where I went. I wasn’t sure which version of her I preferred. At least the carefree Royal spent time with me. Now, it was like picking at splintered wood to get her even to acknowledge my presence.
Luckily, I was a persistent bastard.
I watched as she lost her footing on the dance floor, and her laugh traveled into my ears and down to my chest. “Whoops!” she yelled, patting her chest where her drink had spilled all over her.
If the icy cold liquid bothered her, she didn’t show it. She just shrugged and continued to dance, leaving the empty glass on a nearby table. Seeing as my girl wanted to forget all her problems for the night, I turned around and ordered her favorite drink from the bar before carrying it over to her. I was chivalrous like that.
“Don’t you know it’s against the dance floor rules to spill your drink?” I taunted, though I wasn’t sure if she could even hear me over the loud music.
She took the glass from my hands and knocked her fruity drink back. I watched the lines of her slender neck as she gulped the liquid down. Tossing me a wink, she aband
oned the now empty glass on the same table and then wrapped her arms around my neck. My entire body tensed, and I froze, knowing I should pull away but not wanting to.
“Maybe it was all a part of my plan to get you out here to finally dance with me,” she said in my ear. I shivered like a damn pussy when her lips touched my skin.
The flashing lights skirted along her sweaty, salty skin. Her dress, which was now wet from the drink she spilled, clung to her breasts, her nipples peeking through the fabric. I had will power, but I wasn’t a fucking saint.
“I didn’t want to make you look bad with my superior dance moves,” I responded.
Grabbing her by the waist, I pulled her flush with my body. Her eyes flared as I splayed my fingers out to cover her back, my pinky finger resting on the curve of her ass.
“I think we both know I’m the better dancer,” she rasped.
I had to laugh. I’d been taking salsa classes since I was three.
I moved us to the beat of the thudding music, guiding her hips with my hands and waist, moving our bodies like waves. Her chest heaved with every move, brushing her perfect tits against me. I burrowed my face in her neck, breathing in the smell of the alcohol on her body, tempted to trail my tongue up her creamy skin to get drunk on her.
“You’re a good dancer,” she breathed.
“I’ve had a lot of practice.”
I spun her around and pulled her against my body again, this time pressing her ass against my hardening cock as I clutched her hips and moved them side to side, effectively grinding her into me.
“You’re not too bad yourself,” I said in her ear before placing a soft kiss on the back of her neck. I couldn’t be sure over the music, but I think I felt a moan reverberate out of her.
She spun back around, her brown eyes looking at me like she was thinking all sorts of dirty thoughts. I wanted to know every single one of them—I wanted to inch my hand up her dress, right here in the middle of the dance floor, and see if she was wet. But I knew that she was my drunk little Cinderella, and the moment her sober clock kicked in, she’d be pushing me away again.
“I want to do something wild tonight,” she said before pulling back with a grin.
“Like what?” I asked, arching an eyebrow.
I could think of a few wild ways we could spend the night, but I wasn’t about fucking drunk girls. When I finally had Royal Taylor, she’d be completely sober. I wasn’t going to have sex with her until she admitted that she wanted it. Wanted me.
She lifted her slender shoulder in a shrug, causing the strap of her dress to fall down. “Something unexpected. Let’s go leave dildos on my dad’s grave,” she said with a half-hiccup, half-chuckle.
My mouth dropped open in surprise. “Really? That’s what you want to do?” I asked incredulously.
“Orrr…” she slurred while fumbling for her thoughts. “Let’s go skinny dipping!”
That was better. I was raised to believe in ghosts and didn’t want a pissed off and sexually frustrated Gerald Taylor coming back to haunt me. Plus, the idea of seeing Royal Taylor in her birthday suit had its own perks. Two perky perks, to be exact.
No, Luis, be a fucking gentleman tonight. Clothes stay on.
I groaned at my inner good guy. “As much as I would love to get you naked, I didn’t shave my legs, so I’m not pool ready,” I joked, lifting my voice into a girlish drawl.
As intended, she tilted her head back and laughed before slapping me on the chest. “Fine. What do you suggest, Mr. Partyboy Heir, hmm?”
Whatever we did, we would have to do it fast. Royal was about an hour away from passing out or puking her guts up.
“How about we steal chocolate from the gas station across the street?” I offered, grasping at straws.
“Theft?” she swallowed, her pupils dilating with the adrenaline rush. Oh yeah, Mamacita. She wanted the thrill, and I was more than willing to give it to her.
“Theft,” I replied with a nod.
“Yes! Let’s go!”
She let go of me and started swaying through the crowd. I quickly grabbed her heels, cringing at the idea of her walking barefoot along the pavement, but she wouldn’t be able to walk in these stilts even if she tried. I raced after her and grabbed her hand, leading her out the door to a bench perched outside.
“I thought we were stealing chocolate!” she said with a confused hiccup.
“Got to put your glass slippers on first, Majesty,” I replied with a wink before placing both hands on her shoulders and guiding her to sit down.
Her shoulders slumped with drunkenness the moment her ass was seated. Kneeling at her feet, I kept my eyes down, refusing to catch a peek up her dress. She wasn’t doing me any favors, relaxing her thighs open, offering a healthy view if I wanted.
Behave, Luis.
Trailing my hand along her ankle, I picked up one of the heels and slid it onto her foot. “Perfect fit,” I said, making her let out a lazy smile. Reaching for the next heel, I did the same to her other foot before spinning around to give her my back. “Get on.”
“You’re going to carry me to the gas station?” she said with a playful snort.
“Yes, Your Majesty,” I taunted.
It wasn’t until her heated thighs clasped around me, and her nose nestled into my neck that I realized my mistake. I’d be walking around downtown Savannah with a raging boner at midnight.
I stood up, lifting her higher up on my back and hoping I wasn’t showing off too much of her ass in the process. She slapped my ass, startling the fuck out of me. “Onward, trusty steed!” she yelped before letting out a fit of giggles that made me want to do anything and everything possible to make that sound happen again and again.
Grinning like an idiot, I started racing across the street, dodging cars and ignoring honks as we went. More laughter escaped her chest, sounding like drunk bells in a church tower.
“Faster, horsey!” she yelled playfully before flipping off a Lamborghini that zoomed by us.
“I guess that’s accurate,” I told her over my shoulder. “You ever hear that saying ‘hung like a horse?’ ”
Her laughter rippled out of her again, and I swear, the sound only made my dick harder.
The night air was hot and sticky, and beads of sweat dripped down my face as I carried her down the street. The moment my feet landed on the sidewalk outside of the gas station, I carefully set her down, making sure her feet were steady.
She was breathless and wiping tears from her eyes, laughing like she didn’t have a care in the world. “Can we do that again?” she finally blurted out between giggles.
“You can ride me anytime you want,” I said with a smirk before tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.
She shivered at the contact, then wrapped her arms around herself. I couldn’t tell if it was the alcohol or lust that was causing her cheeks to be so rosy, but I hoped it was the latter.
“So,” she coughed out, looking suddenly nervous. “Wh-what now?”
“Well, you wanted to do something wild, so you’re gonna steal yourself some of the best damn chocolate this side of Interstate 16,” I told her. “I’ll go inside and distract the cashier while you snatch the goods. Stick the candy in your bra and then make a run for it. I’ll meet you out here, and then we’ll go back to the club, okay?”
She nodded, her adorable face screwed up into a look of deep, drunken concentration. “Yeah, okay. Theft. That sounds good. Thieving. Burlar…Burger…Burlery…”
My lips twitched. “Exactly. Nothing like some good ol’ fashioned burglary to liven things up. Ready?”
She clapped her hands to psych herself up. “Ready, set, go!”
She took off, zooming into the gas station like her bouncy ass was on fire. I chuckled quietly and followed behind her, enjoying the view.
The smell of burnt coffee hit my nose as soon as I went inside. Drunks making their late-night beer runs littered the store, and my little thief waltzed straight to the candy section as I made my
way up to the counter, where a balding, angry, tattooed man sat watching recaps of games on his phone.
“Hello, sir,” I said with a wide smile.
He looked up, clearly annoyed at the interruption, and grunted in response.
“Do you see that beautiful woman over there?” I asked, nodding towards Royal who was running her hands along the various chocolates and licking her lips.
“The drunk stumbling in her heels?” he retorted with a roll of his eyes.
“That’s the one!” I replied cheerfully, keeping my voice low as I spoke. “You see, she wanted to do something dangerous, so she’s going to be stealing some chocolate from your fine establishment.”
The man’s face dipped even deeper into a scowl, and I knew I’d have to salvage this quickly. Reaching into my pocket, I pulled out a fifty-dollar bill and inconspicuously slapped it on the counter. His eyes widened when he saw it.
“Mind playing along? She’s going to run by here any second. Could you just yell at her to stop and that you’re calling the police? It would really make her whole night.”
I was laying the charm on thick, hoping he agreed. It wouldn’t be fun if Royal didn’t think it was illegal.
“I don’t know,” the man drawled. My eyes flashed to his name tag. Bob in scraggly print was perched proudly on his chest. I glanced over at Royal one more time and watched as she tried to stuff a bag of M&M’s into her bra. Then Royal changed her mind and reached for a king size Reese’s instead. She liked to go big, I’d give her that.
Turning back around with a smirk, I looked at the cashier again. “Bob, buddy, help me out here,” I said, reaching into my pocket and pulling out another twenty.
Bob let out a sigh, like playing along was the biggest inconvenience of his life.